Thursday, 11 December 2014

Now can crack normal

Discovery and truth that completely absorbs who makes and listening. Both are powerful guitars songs that emphasize this dimension of music to maintain or create tamil songs online the energy that moves to musicians and those who share his music.

This ability of music to intensify this creates an effect of distance between those who belong to the younger generation and introduced in music and that are installed on the normality of tamil songs online everyday life.

It is these that are further away to make sense of the here and now that celebrates music and intensifies; punks like de, present their music as a social danger, a threat to good manners and everyday normality.

The music serves to confuse is irrational that can spread and hypnotize, both terms that evoke aspects of reality away from the control of reason, and create chaos and disorder in which normal people are not comfortable precisely because they do not understand the sign of the times.

Music begins with chords confuse tamil songs online the air accompanying the voice, which adopts a warning tone until entering all instruments at once menacing ago.

Ironically, the speaker notes in the chorus of his danger, adopting common topics punk description used by people from orderly life; despite speaking in a warning tone, actually it does is issue a threat because people like him, he lives here.

In stanzas constructs an image From this statement of amateurism the song is constructed as pure provocation, in which the singer claims that his audience his stupidity, his inability to songs online radio get excited before a presence like yours, your ism.

At the time, builds an idolized image of himself as someone sexy, deified, superior, which is above the demands of its audience, which does not respect at all and whose claims despises. Beyond the taste punk for tamil songs online provocation, we can not forget that these features have characterized large rock stars.

Idolized by his public but able to give half-hour concerts or leave unfinished because the audience threw them things (as did Lou Reed in those years in a concert that ended incidents in Madrid).

The song is a satire of both poles, both musician who despises his audience as this that songs online radio despite the rudeness and humiliation, still worshiping and accepting everything that he comes. The groups claim the move as play music and celebration of this as an expression of latent values in the subculture.

Punk, as renewed energy and protest against the mediocrity of rock, as a return to the roots where the rock was a youthful, festive and elemental music, plays a key role in defining the values of the movement.

Even for groups not recognized as punks, the influence of this, through the filter of the new wave, the idea songs online radio of enjoying the present and the critique of virtuosity, tamil songs online is present.

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